A Smidge a Day…
A new life is not designed by giant rules and actions thrust upon us. No! A new life is designed with easy, tangible, small actions - just “a smidge a day”. This creates the building blocks for empowerment and firmly rooted change. It is also kind! Let’s be honest, big change is hard, but a smidge a day is doable!
The concept of a smidge a day all started years ago when I weighed 240 pounds and my body hurt all the time. At that point in my life I was eating in excess, not moving, and, of course, not sleeping well. Pretty much not doing anything that would contribute to wellness and doing a lot of things that contributed to my growing size and diminishing health.
I knew I was negatively spiraling and I felt as though I had no control over my life. In those days, I ate the majority of my meals in restaurants, and not healthy ones. I loved Italian restaurants the most because I could get never ending bread baskets. On bread alone, I nearly bankrupted some of those poor restauranteurs! Haha! I frequently ate 3 bread baskets, plus my full meal! I knew this was out of balance with everything that I actually wanted for my life, but I was addicted to how good it felt and tasted and I didn’t want to give it up.
One day it hit me! “What if instead of eating three bread baskets I just had three pieces of bread with dinner?” That felt doable and it didn’t feel like I was saying no to bread and no to pleasure and comfort. So I did it! Over and over and over again and it felt really right and very doable. One day I realized I had gotten really good at it, so I made the new game two pieces of bread. Then one piece of bread and then a half a piece of bread and then I decided I don’t eat bread with dinner anymore. Then, I decided to say goodby to bread at other meals.
It took me a long time to get to that place, but the point is I did it! And it never felt forced. I got really good at it! Then, I decided that I was going to tackle my soda addiction. I got really good at that, too! So, I decided I was going to tackle other things that I knew were not in my best interest and not helping me achieve my greater goals. Over time, through just a smidge a day, I was rewriting my narrative! I was rewriting my habits! I was rewriting my beliefs! I was rewriting my life! All due to being kind and gentle and the philosophy of just "a smidge a day”!
This is what I want for you! For everybody!
Life, better! …just a smidge a day!